Used Machinery

Quality used and Ex-Demo machinery

Used Machinery, ready for work

At Fordham Agricultural Machinery, we offer used equipment that is ready for work having been checked over, and or repaired and serviced accordingly. In addition, we often get asked to find a specific piece of equipment and or if we can find a home for something, for this, we can offer to advertise on behalf of our clients. If you have something specific that you are looking for or want to sell, please contact us and we will do our best to source it and or advertise for sale for you. 

Used Machinery, ready for work

Used 2021 NOVAG T-FORCEPLUS 450CT.24 Direct Seed Drill

Available ex Longwood, Victoria

3 seasons completed since March 2021 of 500ha per season, a total of 1500ha. Fully refurbished, having undergone a full inspection, service, and repairs in our workshop and brought up to the latest specifications including fitment of new wear metal, with choice of either 520mm small notched discs or 575mm large notched discs and new carbide blades.

$260,000 +GST
Used 2021 NOVAG T-FORCEPLUS 450CT.24 Direct Seed Drill

4m Low Disturbance Loosener

Ex-Demo 4m LDL (Shear Bolt)

c/w X8 Hydraulic Front Cutting Discs (450mm), Low Disturbance Tungsten Points & Hard Faced Lower Legs, Road Lighting Kit & Shoulder Press Packer Roller

  • Option of seeder mounting brackets with access stairway & platform along with seeding outlet pipes and bracketry 

Machines like these could be available ex the UK and are subject to being sold elsewhere, shipping costs and meeting Australian quarantine requirements. Please contact Guy to find out more.


6m Low Disturbance Toolbar

Ex-Demo 6m LDT (Auto Reset)

c/w Tight Turn System for a reduced headland turn (Automatic), X12 Hydraulic Front cutting discs for trash management, X12 Shear Bolt protected legs, , X4 Double Acting Hydraulic supply, X1 3/4″ Free Flow Return for drills, ​X1 7-pin lighting socket & ISObus Extension
Heavy Duty Clevis & Link Arm Hitches included

Machines like these could be available ex the UK and are subject to being sold elsewhere, shipping costs and meeting Australian quarantine requirements. Please contact Guy to find out more.


3m Low Disturbance Loosener

2022 plate 3m LDL (Auto Reset)

c/w X6 Hydraulic Front Cutting Discs, Hydraulic Reset Low Disturbance Tungsten Points & Hard Faced Lower Legs, Toothed Packer Roller

  • Option of seeder mounting brackets with access stairway & platform along with seeding outlet pipes and bracketry 

Machines like these could be available ex the UK and are subject to being sold elsewhere, shipping costs and meeting Australian quarantine requirements. Please contact Guy to find out more.


6m Low Disturbance Toolbar

2022 6m LDT (Auto Reset)

c/w Tight Turn System for a reduced headland turn (Automatic), X12 Hydraulic Front cutting discs for trash management, X12 Hydraulic Reset Protected legs, X4 Double Acting Hydraulic supply, X1 3/4″ Free Flow Return for drills, ​X1 7-pin lighting socket & ISObus Extension

Heavy Duty Clevis & Link Arm Hitches included

Machines like these could be available ex the UK and are subject to being sold elsewhere, shipping costs and meeting Australian quarantine requirements. Please contact Guy to find out more.


3m Strip-Till Preparator

Ex-Demo 3m ST-P (Shear Bolt) 6 row 0.5m Spacing

c/w X6 Hydraulic Front Cutting Discs
Low Disturbance Tungsten Points & Legs
X2 Hydraulically adjustable catching discs
 X2 Hydraulically adjustable rear mounted offset wavy discs
X1 Zonal Guttler Prism Ring roller 

Machines like these could be available ex the UK and are subject to being sold elsewhere, shipping costs and meeting Australian quarantine requirements. Please contact Guy to find out more.